Spreading Joy
Our Brains are Natural Amplifiers
Our brains amplify big emotions, even when those emotions weren’t ours to begin with.
Ever walked away from an anxious person and thought, “I was not feeling anxious before that encounter!”?
Ever felt mad after being with an angry person even when you were not angry before?
We can walk away from others feeling hyped up and not even know what hit us.
Choose to Amplify JOY
In the same way, our brains will amplify JOY! Have you ever considered that you could be a person who SPREADS JOY to others? Sounds fun, right!
Here’s how my colleagues, Jim Wilder, Ed Khouri, Chris Coursey, and I defined JOY in our book, Joy Starts Here:
Joy is relational; it cannot be experienced alone.
Joy means that someone is glad to be with me!
Joy is a real, face-to-face, in person encounter.
We are creatures of joy!
Joy creates our identity, how we see ourselves.
Joy is the basis for bonding.
Joy gives us strength.
Joy is transforming.
Joy is the building block for a healthy brain.
Joy is the fuel for life-giving relationships.
Joy gives us the strength to face pain.
The lack of joy drains our relational batteries.
Joy means we are the sparkle in someone else’s eye!
- Joy is contagious!
- Joy is transforming!
- Joy starts with a smile!
- Joy helps brains grow better than ANY health food!
- Joy reduces stress!
- Joy has more social impact than looking sexy!
- Joy improves our immune system more than exercise!
- Joy protects marriages!
- Joy raises brighter, more resilient children!
- Joy spreads to transform lives!